Hallo! Grüezi! Hello!

Learn German in and around Zürich.

Welcome to Sprachkontakt.

Would you like to learn German effectively and, by being goal-orientated, be supported individually and have fun doing it? Are you busy preparing for a German language exam or are you needing support for your application process in German or Swiss German? Or are you interested in a course focused on German pronunciation and writing?

You set the focus and we motivate you to achieve your goals fast.


You learn online one to one, small groups and determine the What? How? and Where? all by yourself. Exactly the way it suits you best. In or around Zurich.

Interested? Book your first consultation free of charge here.

Sprachkontakt Kids teaching german Rüschlikon

NEWS from Sprachkontakt:

German Refresher Course


Would you like to improve your German skills now? Are there certain topics you would like to focus on?

Small gaps you would like to fill?

… in a short and concise way?

Then this

German Refresher Course

is perfect for you.

We help you with the naturalization process so that you are optimally prepared in terms of language.

Spachkontakt Kids teaching German

Do you need support with the language (GERMAN or SWISS GERMAN) to take the first steps? … and later to feel more integrated.

We offer whole family packages, or teach each family member one to one giving you the language tools to feel confident in the new environment.


Sprachkontakt Rüschlikon Lerncoaching

How to learn with fun and ease? How to structure the content? Are there some tricks and tips? How do you organise your studying? Often we just need to make a first step in a new direction, just add an effective little change and there we go, we are back in the learn-flow again.

Interested? Apply now for a consultation?

WHAT do we offer?


Verbessern Sie Ihr Business English für den Beruf. Mündlich und auch schriftlich.


Bereiten Sie sich individuell auf Ihre Cambridge Diplom-Prüfungen vor.


Individuelle Vorbereitung auf die Telc- und Goethe-Sprachdiplomprüfungen.


Wir lektorieren Ihre Texte auf Englisch. Egal, ob Studienarbeit oder Werbetext.


Sie möchten Deutsch lernen? Wir unterstützen Sie auf jedem Niveau (A1-C1).


Grüeziwohl! Lernen Sie ``Züridütsch`` verstehen und sprechen


Sie haben schon Deutschkenntnisse, aber möchten Ihre Aussprache verbessern?

WHAT are we going to do?

Focused instruction

Individual support

Targeted learning methods

Effective lessons

Personal support

Interactive Language Training

playful learning

communicative approach

WHO is Sprachkontakt?


Ich bin Ihre persönliche Sprachtrainerin und die Gründerin von Sprachkontakt. Seit vielen Jahren unterrichte ich mit Freude Jugendliche und Erwachsene. Aufgewachsen bin ich in Argentinien, Portugal und in der Schweiz. Schon als Kind lernte ich, mich in fremden Kulturen und Sprachen zurechtzufinden. Dieses Wissen begleitet mich bis heute und fliesst in meine Arbeit ein.

Jeanine Zahnd

Inhaberin und Dozentin für Deutsch als Zweitsprache & Spanisch

I was born and raised in Ireland and have been teaching English as a Foreign Language for over 12 years. Starting off my career as an English language assistant in Germany, my job has taken me to various countries and I have enjoyed the journey along the way. Since locating to Zürich, I mainly prepare students for the First Certificate and the Advanced but also specialize in Business and Legal English.


Dozentin Englisch und Deutsch als Zweitsprache

I am originally from South Africa and a Zürich resident since 2016. Checking, editing, correcting and improving any form of English writing or documentation forms my skill set which I undertake with precision. Bring, for example, a website or thesis for a review, you will be amazed how we’ll perfect it!


Proof Reading English: Websites, Theses and more


Perfect German words 😊

The benefits of a bilingual brain

The meaning of meinetwegen

WHY Sprachkontakt? Our customers say: